The Maiden Voyage

Whoo hoo! Last night I made my first Crockpot meal. It was delicious! I found the recipe on Pinterest (naturally) and have been dreaming about it ever since I got the Crockpot for Christmas from my Love. The Pin leads to Rita’s Recipes and Ms. Rita, your Cream Cheese Chicken Chile was delicious, Thank You Very Mucho!!!

This recipe is simple. It calls for 2 frozen chicken breast, a can of tomatoes, a can of corn, can o’ black beans, spices, and eight ounces of cream cheese. I used fresh chicken because that is what we had in house, used just one tomato chopped up because that’s what I had on hand, and put the pot on high because I started making this right around 7pm, which is pretty late for a Crockpot meal. We didn’t get to eat until around 11pm, but I couldn’t resist. I just HAD to make something!

All set and ready to Crock!

All set and ready to Crock!

All in all, it came out pretty good. I will definitely be adding some chiles next time because we are a spicy loving household. Last week, the guys made a chile rojo that was probably the HOTTEST thing I have ever eaten. It was freaking amazing.

So this would be meal #3 in my quest to learn 14 new recipes this year. What excites me about this venture is that every time I make a dish, I think of ways that I can improve upon it and add things that will personalize it to my family’s tastes. It excites me to know that I will be able to try them over and over until I get it exactly how I think it should taste! Yes, I know that this is what others call “cooking” but to me it is a new revelation! I’m happy to be learning how to nourish myself & my family. I have a feeling my list of 14 will be expanding to who knows how many recipes!

In other news, I have checked off “clean out the car” from my list, have made a list of herbs & veggies I’d like to grow in my garden, and bought some drop dead GORGEOUS Oracle Cards yesterday. I am brimming with excitement over them. They are the Enchanted Map pack, and I got them with the intent to use them for my 2013 Oracle Card Reading that is in the Incredible Year Workbook! This was another favorite page of mine last year, and I referred to it all the way through December. Basically, you draw a card for each of the 12 months of the year, and the image reflects a theme or something to remember during that month. Last year I used my Rider-Waite Tarot cards, but this year I wanted to do something different. I’ve been learning so much about Oracle Cards from other members of the Goddess Circle, and have been hearing them call my name. There were so many packs to choose from, but none seemed to be the right ones until… The Enchanted Map pack came along and it was EXACTLY what I was looking for. The images are whimsical and dramatic, they look both like a painting and a photo, and are just Beautiful. I haven’t done my official 2013 reading yet, and don’t expect to for another week or so. Perhaps I will post some pictures of a few of the cards, if it seems like the right thing to do. You can check out the deck for yourself here.

The Word of the Year project is coming along nicely, but not yet ready for the public eye. 🙂 I have to say that I am truly taking this word to Heart this year, and am having a fantastic time bring it to Life. Will be working on it more this week and will show you as soon as it is ready! If you haven’t bought the 2013 Create Your Incredible Year Workbook & Calendar then do it now! It’s not too late! Let me know how your 2013 is going so far in the comments, I want to know how everyone is doing. :))

Love & Hugs to you & a BIG Happy 16 month birthday to my sweet baby girl today!!!

An Incredible Year

Yes, it is almost here! In just 15 short days 2012 will be over. 2013 is waiting in the wings for us to grab hold and take it for a wild ride. I mentioned in my last post that I have been working through my Incredible Year workbook from Leonie Dawson. I used this workbook last year, and I have still been refering to it even in these late months of the year. It’s pretty amazing. Last year, I printed some of the pages out in Black & white out of necessity. THIS year, so far I’ve gone all color and it is BEEYOUTEEFULL!!! I Love the way Leonie uses watercolor + ink, and embellishes with odd bits of pretty here and there. It translates to print quite well, I can only imagine what the originals look like!
The first section of the workbook is all about 2012; reflecting, gleaning Wisdom from our experiences, and releasing. It is The Very Important 2012 Closing Ceremony.
Here you can recall the Lessons you’ve learned this year, Record Dreams that have been realized, note what has transformed and elated you, give yourself a pat on the back for the amazing feats you have accomplished. Here you can rant about that which has been less than awesome. Here you can give GREAT THANKS for all that has touched you in 2012. Here you can let go.

This is my Gratitude page, full of things I am very Grateful for!

This is my Gratitude page, full of things I am very Grateful for!

Just looking at my Gratitude pages from last year and this year at the same time. They have a lot of the same items on them! I guess these are the core things that I am grateful for. My Cleo, Her Daddy, my Momma & Momma in Love, my whole Family, our House, my car, my job, Money to get what we need and desire. This year I included the women who have taught me many things about myself and about Life, all via interwebbles: Leonie, Celes, Danielle LaPorte, Melody Fletcher. Perhaps in the year coming I will have the chance to meet one or all of them! There is so much more to be Thankful for, and I continue to give thanks everyday. I Love to Live in the glow of Gratitude. True, sincere gratitude for whatever is happening here and NOW is such a peaceful, whole feeling. So important. At the end of the Closing Ceremony section is the Completion Circle. As you place your hand in the Circle and read the blessing written ’round, we give Thanks, we Open our Hearts, we Let Go and we Radiate in Light & Joy. We can let 2012 soar into the sky, and we (I!) are ready for 2013 to bring us it’s blessings.
The Completion Circle

The Completion Circle

For me, this is so important because it let’s me truly let go of all that has been, and focus on what is to come. This had perfect timing for me, wrapping up the year end stuff, now ready to focus on the holidays, and then the Big Event of ushering in the New Year. I don’t know about you, but I am FIRED UP about 2013. I’m excited goals, and to find the surprises that lie ahead.
Next post: Goals for 2013! and in my favorite fashion: A LIST! 101 Things to Do in 2013!!! Can’t wait to share with you.
If you want to get in on the Incredible Year, Incredible Life planner & workbook, go HERE and I will get 50% of your sale. The whole package is so Gorgeous, Leonie is CRAZY for pricing it so low. Many thanks to her!!!
If you are already working through your Incredible Year workbook, let me know in the comments, the more the merrier!